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General Information

Inclement Weather

In the case of winter weather problems the following is the standard procedure for CCC’s school operation:

Watch any of the local news stations for Fort Smith Public School closings.  We follow Fort Smith Public School policy for school closings.  If they are closed due to inclement weather – then CCC will close as well.  The Director of CCC will make every effort to call into the news stations to have the school listed as either open or closed for that day.

If at any point during the day the weather worsens and Fort Smith Public Schools close – CCC will close as well.  It is your responsibility to keep abreast of the changing weather and the news reports of school closings – either in the mornings or during the day.

I understand that full tuition will still apply to any week in which CCC is closed for inclement weather day(s).  

Monthly, CCC practices both fire and tornado drills with all the children.  Procedures and diagrams for emergency exits are posted in each classroom and areas where children and faculty are gathered.

Lunch Count


Policies & Procedures

 Any child who is absent from CCC for any length of time will not be considered "dropped" from enrollment. In order to "drop" a child from enrollment, the Director of the school must be contacted by the parents and or guardian of the child with the proper notification. Without notification, the Director will continue to bill weekly tuition to your account and CCC will hold the person who has signed as "financially responsible for the account" accountable for the balance accrued.


The entrance into CCC is located on the south side of the church building under the porch like structure with the rock columns. This entrance faces Grinnell Street. This entrance is the only entrance into the school. All parents, guardians, visitors or guests must enter the school by this door and are required to stop at the school office to register their name and purpose of visit. All other doors within the school and church facility are locked and persons trying to enter or leave by any other door will be stopped and questioned. Only authorized persons will be given an access code to enter the facility through the school doors.


CCC will not release any child into the care of any person not specifically designated by the parents and or guardians. Those persons eligible for picking up a student enrolled in our center must be noted in the office in the child's personal records. Parents and guardians are responsible for notifying the office prior to any other person picking up their child that day. A photo ID will be requested of any person not familiar to the staff.

It is understood that according to state law, all children and staff of CCC are subject to be interviewed by Child Care Licensing, Department of Children & Family Services Special Investigations and Law Enforcement for investigative purposes and or for determining compliance with Licensing Requirements and that no prior notice is given by the above named departments or visits to our center for interviews. Parents of children interviewed will be notified either by phone or in person on the day of the interview.

It is understood that children enrolled in CCC will attend, along with his or her teacher and class, a brief non-denominational chapel service each day. No special allowances will be made for your child's or your family's personal faiths, beliefs or customs regarding chapel services or meal or food consumption. You are choosing to enroll your child in a Private Christian preschool. If your child cannot consume certain foods due to your personal faith, customs or beliefs - then you must provide food for their meals.

Meals are scheduled as follows: Breakfast snack is served around 8:00 a.m. each morning in the child's classroom. The lunch schedule begins at 11:00 a.m. An afternoon snack will be provided to each child at approximately 2:15 p.m. A late afternoon snack will be provided at 4:45 p.m. to those still in attendance. Our office must be notified by 10:00 a.m. if your child will be arriving late to school and needs to be included in the daily lunch count. If you arrive after 10:00 a.m. without notifying our office of your late arrival, a lunch tray will not have been prepared for your child that day. We only prepare and serve enough food to feed the children counted in the daily lunch count.

No one (student, parent or staff), other than kitchen personnel, is allowed in the school kitchen or church's kitchen at any time by order of the State Health Department. Those students bringing their lunch will have a designated area in the school gym where they will place their lunch for the kitchen staff to pick up.

Lunches sent from home must be able to be maintained at room temperature or refrigerated. The kitchen staff will not be able to heat or prepare in any way any foods sent from home for a child's consumption at lunch or snack time. 

The dress code for children attending CCC should be maintained in a moral and Christian manner. No crop tops or short shorts or skirts should be worn. When girls wear dresses or skirts "bloomers or tights" should be worn over their panties. All children must wear some type of footwear to school daily. Children arriving at school in inappropriate footwear or attire will be sent to the office for the parents to be called.

Please remember that children enrolled at CCC are extremely active on a daily basis. Their activities include indoor and outdoor play time, arts and crafts (including the use of scissors, markers and paints) and meal times. Please keep this in mind when dressing your child for school. CCC can not and will not be held responsible for damage inflicted by your child to their clothing. 

Names must be labeled on each child's coat, lunchbox or other personal items: that is worn or brought to the school. Many of these items look similar or are actually the same. The staff of CCC cannot be held responsible for knowing which item belongs to which child when they are not properly labeled. Items that are properly labeled with a child's name will help alleviate the problem of someone taking the wrong item home.

If you would like to discuss your child's development, behavior or discipline, in order to obtain accurate information, please speak with either your child's teacher or the school administration. Any other staff members that you seek information from may not be able to supply all the necessary facts.

Cavanaugh Children's Center receives from the State Attorney Generals Office product recall notices. This information is maintained in the school office and listings will be posted monthly. If you would like further information, contact the school administration​.

Please keep CCC supplied with the proper change of clothing for your child. If your child is sent home in their extra clothes please send new clothes back the next day. If your child is sent home in borrowed clothes - you must return these clothes the next day as well.

I understand that my child will be required to rest on a "resting cot" during the scheduled nap time (approx. 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ages 1 and up and 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. under age 1.) I understand that my child will not be forced to "nap" or "sleep" during this time, however, my child will be required to remain on their cot, remain quiet and non-disruptive to other resting children.

The staff members of Cavanaugh Children's Center are often available to babysit for families on their own time. You may either check with the office as to which staff members have expressed their willingness to babysit outside of work or check with them yourself when dropping off or picking up. Due to past incidents, the staff have requested that the following information be put into place as policy for future reference: The hourly rate is $11.00 per hour per child. This does not include having to purchase food for feeding the children or taking them anywhere for entertainment purposes that require admission costs etc. - these costs for the children are an additional fee to be determined between the staff member and the families before being left alone with the children. Overnight care is optional.


By utilizing the staff of Cavanaugh Children's Center for your babysitting needs you are guaranteed an individual who has already had background checks through Criminal Records, Child Maltreatment and  Fingerprints before being allowed to work at CCC. Also, you are subjecting your children to someone they are already familiar with and someone who knows your child and their ways and needs.

Our Center is required by DHS to provide at least four division approved opportunities or parental involvement. The following are the opportunities we provide:

  • Parents are allowed to observe, eat lunch with a child or volunteer in the classroom.

  • Conferences are held at least once a year and at other times, as needed, to discuss children's development and learning.

  • Parents are informed of the center's programs and activities through a parents' bulletin board, regular newsletter, email or web page.

  • Parent meetings are held with guest speakers or special events, for example, open house or a family activity night.



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